full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Joel Levine: Why we need to go back to Mars

Unscramble the Blue Letters

One of the key questions in all of science, "Is there life outside of Earth?" I believe that Mars is the most likely tgreat for life outside the Earth. I'm going to show you in a few meuints some amazing measurements that suggest there may be life on Mars. But let me start with a Viking photograph. This is a composite taken by vkinig in 1976. Viking was developed and managed at the NASA Langley Research Center. We sent two orbiters and two landers in the smmeur of 1976. We had four spacecraft, two around Mars, two on the surface -- an amazing amcncmeolsihpt.

Open Cloze

One of the key questions in all of science, "Is there life outside of Earth?" I believe that Mars is the most likely ______ for life outside the Earth. I'm going to show you in a few _______ some amazing measurements that suggest there may be life on Mars. But let me start with a Viking photograph. This is a composite taken by ______ in 1976. Viking was developed and managed at the NASA Langley Research Center. We sent two orbiters and two landers in the ______ of 1976. We had four spacecraft, two around Mars, two on the surface -- an amazing ______________.


  1. viking
  2. summer
  3. target
  4. accomplishment
  5. minutes

Original Text

One of the key questions in all of science, "Is there life outside of Earth?" I believe that Mars is the most likely target for life outside the Earth. I'm going to show you in a few minutes some amazing measurements that suggest there may be life on Mars. But let me start with a Viking photograph. This is a composite taken by Viking in 1976. Viking was developed and managed at the NASA Langley Research Center. We sent two orbiters and two landers in the summer of 1976. We had four spacecraft, two around Mars, two on the surface -- an amazing accomplishment.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
langley research 7
research center 7
billion years 6
nasa langley 4
planet mars 2
nasa headquarters 2
red planet 2
land area 2
olympus mons 2
highly magnetized 2
early history 2
fast flowing 2
flowing water 2
ancient ocean 2
living systems 2
northern hemisphere 2
southern hemisphere 2
scale model 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
langley research center 6
nasa langley research 4
fast flowing water 2

ngrams of length 4

collocation frequency
nasa langley research center 4

Important Words

  1. accomplishment
  2. amazing
  3. center
  4. composite
  5. developed
  6. earth
  7. key
  8. landers
  9. langley
  10. life
  11. managed
  12. mars
  13. measurements
  14. minutes
  15. nasa
  16. orbiters
  17. photograph
  18. questions
  19. research
  20. science
  21. show
  22. spacecraft
  23. start
  24. suggest
  25. summer
  26. surface
  27. target
  28. viking